Wednesday, November 19, 2014

We Are Not Bias

People keep saying we have bias views, but I don't see how. In no way is my family excusing anything that happened or saying that Bethany is perfect.

Bias means "to cause partiality or favoritism in (a person); influence, especially unfairly" but we are not favoring Bethany because she's family, we are doing this because Bethany is innocent of murder. That was proven during her trial. She should not have been convicted of murder. But because the prosecutor only charged her with murder the judge felt he had to find her guilty because if he hadn't she would have walked away with no convictions and society would  have a field day with that.

I would like to make this very clear because even though it has been stated multiple times some people still can't grasp the reality of the fact that there was NO EVIDENCE that indicated she took part or that she was even there when it happened. 

The only evidence the state had against Bethany was ONE fingerprint on a bottle of tequila positioned in a way that would suggest she had poured the alcohol. And this was said by the expert analysis that testified at her trial. She had also said there was no way of knowing if the bottle was used to hit the bodies after the two men died.

My father and I started this blog to not only try to figure this out and cope, but also to get the truth out that the reporters intentionally left out. The reporters that were at her trial heard the same things my family did. The difference is their job is not to report the truth, it is to tell a story that will captivate the readers to ensure that their audience keeps reading. Reporters twist things, you would think by now people would know that.  

Our views are not bias because we are not saying the she is innocent because she's our family, or anything of the sort, we are saying she is innocent of murder because there was NO EVIDENCE. The facts are that Bethany was downstairs when this took place. Alisa said she saw Josh/Adam hit the two men while she was walking down the stairs BEHIND Bethany.

Everything that we say/write on here are facts that came out during the trial, things we personally know, and from personal experience. There is always more than one side to a story, and you have to keep both in mind. This case made absolutely no sense. And tragically two men lost  their lives. But their deaths were not my sisters fault. She did NOT lure them. If anyone lured them it was Alisa because she (Alisa)  testified that she (Alisa) was the one that was on the phone with Terrance NOT Bethany. Bethany did not, and had never called Terrance. He had always called her. Phone records proved that at Bethany's trial.

On a positive note, I am so thankful to everyone that is supporting my family. After this happened my family was verbally attacked, threatened, and harassed. We don't deserve that. After a while I lost all hope I had in society, I didn't think there were any good people left in the world, but I was proved wrong. Thank you for keeping my family in your prayers, we need it.


  1. I've found this repeatedly posted in the press:
    McKee and Massaro said they left the upstairs apartment of the home, where all six had been partying, after Miner gave Massaro a signal. But McKee said she saw Miner hit Rankins as the attack began. She also said she heard Rankins cry, “What did I do? Why are you doing this?”

    Is this a mistruth, too?

  2. No, Alisa was the one that said she saw Miner hit Terrance, and Alisa was the one who heard Terrance cry out, Bethany was already down stairs, Alisa was following after Bethany. You just have the two confused. Alisa testified that Bethany had not heard it, that only she(Alisa) had.
