Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Re: comments

 Ok, I've read all of the comments,and I am appreciative of  all your views. Lets take one at a time:

If being accused of touching a girls butt on a trampoline with seven other people jumping around, is considered being a sex offender then I would tend to think that every time you watch any sport on tv and see players slapping each other on the butt then wouldn't they be considered a sex offender also? That is what I was accused of. And yes I admitted that I may have done so but by complete accident.

Secondly, I AM NOT IN DENIAL!! Bethany could have been charged with other less offending crimes involving this case, but the state decided to only charge her with the two murders. In which it was proven that she had no involvement. People that are claiming still that Bethany had called to lure Terrance over, as I have already stated the prove through phone records shows that Bethany had never made a call to Terrance's phone.

Where were you people that still believe that she called his phone to lure him over during the trial? I didn't see any of you. Maybe if you were there then you would have seen the injustice taking place.

Thirdly Bethany was never offered a deal. From what I understand, when John Conners offered Alisa the deal they didn't even spend two minutes talking about it. 
If Bethany did call Terrance to lure him over (Which proven that she didn't) and he was the target of said robbery, then where does Eric fit in to said plan? The first time anyone met Eric was when he arrived at the house. No one knew him before. So why was she convicted of his murder?

How is it robbery when the deceased were already dead before josh and adam took the money out of their pockets? 
125 Dollars was what was said that they took, Ok lets break this down, 25 for gas, 20 for ciggs, that leaves 80 dollars for cocaine, In doing research 80 dollars in cocaine wouldn't have been enough to go around with four people. Nick quaz, the individual who they bought the cocaine from, why wasn't he ever questioned by the authorities? Why not look at the money trail? 

Please please please when leaving comments be respectful. Yes it's true that I am a father in desperation. After all she is my child. Please ask me questions and I will be truthful in giving you answers. I have nothing to hide, my closet door is wide open, but this is not about me it is about my daughter Bethany. Thank you again.


  1. Bill,

    The law in Illinois is crystal clear. Some may argue unfair, but it is clear. She was involved in the planning. She may have thought Miner was joking, but the law says that is no defense. I work in the legal system and have seen similar arguments fail in defense time and again. You simply don't have the option saying "I thought they were joking" as a valid defense. Further, it doesn't matter that the original "joke" was to kill Terrance but two people died. If I plan to rob a bank with an insider and we plan to kill the manager to get their pass card, but my accomplice decides to kill another coworker, whom I've never met, I am still legally liable for both murders. So, your daughter's punishment is fair in the eyes the law. It is not driven by political pressure. The one issue I do she with you on is that her "friend" should never have been given the deal she was given. That was a ridiculous deal that never should have been on the table.

  2. Bill my name is Christina I dint knw if you remember me...but I use to hangout with your daughter. I know what kind of person she is and I can't ever see her doing such horrible things like what was said. I agree with you on the part with Alisa being able to get a plea agreement and not Bethany. I wish I can say more to comfort you threw this but there is not alot I can say. You guys have been in my prayers since day one especially for your granddaughter...i really hope you find closer in this some how some way...please let Bethany know next time you talk to her..thats she will be in my prayers too.

  3. Thank you so much for your support and prayer, I will let Bethany know.

  4. Bill: I'll comment because you were reaching out for comments. I do not know you, anyone in your family or anyone associated with the case. I simply followed it in the newspaper. I'm not a "Holy Roller" or an internet "Troll." I'm just an old man with grown kids who reads the newspaper online. Having gotten that out of the way, I feel badly for you; your sorrow must be devastating. Children often make poor decisions that have bad outcomes, so you are not alone in your heartache. Whether the conviction was just--- or not---doesn't matter. It is the current reality. Do the best you can to cope with it, and do the best you can to keep in touch with your daughter. She needs you now more than ever. To other kids: learn from this. Those you hang out with can hurt you and your family (like in this case.) Run, run, run as fast as you can from bad apples. Rise above them.

    1. Thank your for you comment, I appreciate it, God Bless
