Monday, November 17, 2014




  1. I just wanted you to know, people are reading. I think most might be scared to show themselves giving compassion to 'a murder' But she isn't one. There is no evidence even leading her to be a murder. So stand strong, people are behind you. It just may take time for people to soak it in. It takes time for people to change their minds. Best wishes to your family and may justice come to your daughter.

    1. Thank you for this comment, I am in hope that people would not just believe me but to ask the questions to the right people themselves. It is a sad world when the state and the judge himself lie and no one seems to be able to hold them accountable. The really sad thing is that this could happen to anyone at any time,

  2. I am sorry for the sadness that your family is going through. I will pray for all of you to find some sort of peace and acceptance of the situation.

  3. I don't know the facts about what happened but I can see that you love your daughter very much. I just want to say that I'm sorry for your pain. This must be so hard to go through. I am a mom and I know what it's like to love a child and your story is heartbreaking. I will pray for your family and your daughter.

  4. As all the information came out about this I have always thought she was the least involved. I pray for your family

  5. I understand your perspective. Reality is relative. Reality can be taken out of context. There IS such a thing as being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people, then being scared because you are now in a horrible situation that you never imagined you'd be in. Even if she was involved in the robbery part, she doesn't deserve the same sentence or treatment as the people who physically committed the murders AND had sex on top of dead bodies, which is the most disturbing part of this case. I am sorry this is happening to you and your family. I hope you continue to fight until the real justice is served. Hang in there and don't give up.

    1. Thank you for your support and I will never give up.

  6. Bill,
    I was locked up last year with both Bethany and Alisa, and also briefly this year before Bethany went on trial. I just wanted to say that I made my own observations about both of these girls, and what I can say about your daughter is that she is a sweet girl, very quiet and calm and didn't make any trouble for herself or anyone else from what I saw. I tried not to judge her for the reason she was in jail, instead I tried to look at her as a human being. However, when I first met Alisa, I could tell something was seriously wrong with that girl. She drew way too much attention to herself while she was locked up. Comparing the two girls, I could just tell by Alisa's personality that she had to have been involved because she just seemed like the type. Bethany was always just quiet and sweet from what I saw. I can't believe that Alisa copped a plea deal and your daughter gets life in prison. It's a shame. I just wanted to give you some support because I know you must be going through a lot right now. Hang in there :/

    1. Thank you Allison, Bethany is a sweet young woman, not a violent bone in her body. Does she have issues? Apsolutely, but don't we all. Thank you for your support.

    2. Yes! Allison is totally correct! I too was in county with both of them and what she said is exactly right. Alisa thought Josh was great and other craziness. This is a sad situation all around!

  7. I am a daughter of a murder victim and I learned early in life at 11 there is always two side to every story. A murder is someone who kills without giving thought to the one they harm. Your daughter sounds like she has gotten herself in hot water for hanging out with the wrong people. Unforunatley the only thing you can do is preach her case and hope you win the appeal if not then your daughter will be one of many who was founded guilty without telling her side. Just remember sometimes the truth is not what we want to hear. I however do not know your daughter and here by reserve my right not to judge. I have learned the courts over the years and know how hard it is to get to the truth.

  8. I am so sorry for your loss, I ask God for the truth all the time. Every time that I went to court I was hoping that I would get some answers to what really happened, but instead came out each time with many more questions. It sucks. I will never give up. Bethany stated to me a month ago "Dad I;m facing life in prison and I don't even know what happened".After the phone call ended I balled my eyes out. Is she quilty of some other crimes? Yes but murder no. The state could have convicted her of conceilment of a homicide or even the robbery itself and would have gotten a quilt verdict but they only charged her with murder, the only thing that she didn;t do. I believe that the courts have taken the law out of the system and replaced it with politics. Again I am sorry for your loss and am in hopes that through God you have been able to build a wonderful life.


  9. I would advise this. IF Bethany is as innocent as you believe - and she does have every interest in putting herself in the best possible light in your eyes, and you will have a very powerful emotional desire to believe it - then she is certainly still guilty of lesser charges sufficient to land her in jail for several years. So she isn't going to get out tomorrow or next week. So bide your time, wait until passions have cooled, then arrange for her conviction for murder to be challenged. In the meantime, wait a bit for passions to cool and if she truly is the sweet person who is being totally honest now, try and arange for a jailside interview with her to be broadcast later so that everyone else can see it. Starting to win around a sceptical public will be half the battle.

    And a terrible crime did take place, with some of the behaviour that occurred utterly sick. Bethany needs to be totally honest about every bit of the depravity of others that she witnessed or heard mentioned.

    For one thing, I have questions that others will have. Bethany's police interview was played in court, and what has been reported of it is damning. She is reported as admitting that she was aware that the others attempted to have sex upon the bodies, that she used money taken from the bodies to buy cocaine and fill up her fuel tank, and partied with the others on drugs after the killings. It is also reported that she stole toys from the victims' car for her own child knowing that the victim to whom they belonged was himself a father of a two year old. And she admitted that the idea to rob one of the guys - they didn't know the other one would be there too - was hers. And that she knew they were going to be robbed. At one point she was reported as admitting to knowing that they would be both robbed AND killed.

    Certainly, there was heavy drug use taking place and I know from past experience that certain drugs can distort behaviour and suppress morals and decent thinking. People can do stuff under their influence - especially by evil-minded peers - that they'd never do otherwise and might feel real bad about afterwards. If any of the things she is alleged to have said to the police on tape are true but she was behaving abnormally because of drugs, she should be brave enough to admit it, express her regrets and use it as an opportunity to condemn the effects of drug use. The more the drugs get the blame, the easier it will be for others to believe she is genuinely filled with regret and remorse and that the things she might have done were not the real her.

    On the other hand, if what has been reported of her videotaped interview with the police is not accurate, the best thing you can do is provide us all with the full transcript of what was shown so that we can all read it for ourselves.

    If she is being on the level with you - and I franklly doubt she is given you the full story insofar as her own presence is concerned, but if she is, full disclosuire - after a period for tempers to cool - can only help her. But if she is not on the level, it will damn her.

    So how much faith do you really have in the accuracy of what she is telling you here? And how certain are you that it is the whole truth?

    One other question - why was necro-bitch Massaro offered the plea bargain and not Bethany? That seems odd to me unless there is more to this than meets the eye and more to come out. And one trial still lies ahead.

    1. Thank you, I am trying to figure out how to do this without hurting her appeal. Any advice?
