Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Ok, Lets back up a little bit

Ok, lets back up a little and go to the start of the crime.

Bethany, Alisa, Josh, And Adam are upstairs in a tiny livingroom. They are laughing and drinking. Josh asks Bethany approx. five times to go down stairs and get a cigarette Bethany doesn't want a cigarette, starts thinking that Josh wants her out of the room, she doesn't know why this is.

Finally Josh asks Bethany to go and get a pop and she does reluctantly. Alisa goes with her, as Bethany is going down stairs she then sees Josh hit Terrance and then continues down stairs.

The reason that she didn't say anything to Phillip is that she (Bethany) stated (who calls the cops on a fight)? Now I'm guessing this would be my fault because this is how I raised her. A fight is between one person to another. You don't get the cops involved unless it is a fight that would result in serious harm, Bethany thought it was just a fight.

Bethany and Alisa then leaves the house only to come back much later and realizes what has actually happened, then Josh threatens to kill her if she notifies the police.

When Bethany called me to say that something really bad happened, I didn't believe her, it was only then that she told me that Josh wanted me to help with the aftermath. I then believed that something really bad had happened. I believe this was her way of asking me to help her get away from Josh. Bethany was in shock and a look of absolute terror covered her.

So 1st Bethany didn't know that the crime had happened and second she only found out when she returned to the house, 3rd Josh threatened to kill her if she called the police, 4th Bethany came to me and it doesn't matter what she had said to me she came to me as her last resort for help.


  1. What you wrote is not what the paper's have been saying. They said she was in on the signal that they were going to kill those guys. None of what you wrote was reported on. Why did she have a judge try her case? I thought that was a bad idea from the beginning because Patch has been writing about this case every 5 minutes and making her look bad before trial. I don't see how anyone could not know about this case. I still think the other girl should have had a worse sentence. That's screwed up. Can't imagine the pain you are all in. Sad all around.

  2. Alisa is the one who testified that there was a signal given for Bethany to leave the room before the crime happened in Bethany's trial.But In the states opening statement The states attorney claimed that Josh was very upset that Bethany wouldn't leave the room after his repeated request, This came from Josh's interview with the detectives. So how can the state claim that there was a signal in Bethany's trial and not in Josh's trial. I understand that you are only hearing me say these things, so I would suggest to anyone with doubts to ask the reporters who were there at these trials if what I am saying is true.What you will find is that reporters only report on the things that the public wants to hear. Joe Hosey from the Joliet Patch is a great reporter and I am sure that if you would to to his facebook under Joliet Patch or to call him yourself He then would be glad to talk with you. So please don't just take my word ask around, Call Attorney Chuck Bretz (815 740 1545) call the states attorney's office and talk with Glascow yourself. Please I implore you to call and ask questions yourself. It is after all the publics right to know. We decided to go first and have a bench trial because we new that there wasn't evidence to convict on the murders.That sure was a slap in the face. Thank you for the questions.

  3. I'm confused. Did she call those boys to lure them to the house? That's what's been reported. I think that's why they are being so hard on her. Don't know how they can convict someone of murder who wasn't even in the room, but Glasgow got Drew Peterson on no evidence but hearsay so what does that tell you? The other part is that they are saying she called you to help get rid of the bodies. Is that true? Can't understand why they'd want to hang your daughter more than corpse sex girl. And it was in her house!And what's up with that father who was there the whole time? It doesn't add up. Appeal. I don't think 12 people on a jury would have agreed to send your daughter away for life like this judge did.

  4. Thank you for your comment. It was proven in Bethany's trial through Bethany's and Terrance's phone records that Bethany never called Terrance. Please ask Joe Hosey through his Joliet Patch facebook or call him to verify what I am saying.

  5. Why did they give Alysa a deal and not your daughter? She was the gf of the ringleader and had sex on the bodies. Was Bethany ever offered a deal instead?

    1. No Bethany was not offered a plea deal. We don't know or understand why Alisa was given a deal instead of her.
      Thank you for your comment, God Bless
