Friday, November 7, 2014

The Truth of The Matter

I would like to get something out of the way, in no way is my family excusing for giving excuses for what happened. In no way are we trying to excuse the fact that Bethany left the crime scene and didn't call the police but instead called our father. But I would like any parents who might be reading this to think about it this way:
If you had just found out that while you were down stairs two men were being murdered upstairs and you and your child were being threatened by one or both of the murderers what would be the first thing that went through your mind? Wouldn't it be something like "oh my gosh, I have to do whatever it takes to keep my child safe." And wouldn't that mean doing what you have to until you can finally get away and take your child somewhere where they couldn't hurt them?

Here's the thing though, you are all judging my sister with bias views because you all predetermined what you think happened. But you weren't at her trial, you do not know what people testified, and even if you went to her trial and you would have heard everything I heard you would probably still have your bias views because you sat there convinced she was guilty. But what you didn't keep in mind is that it is "innocent until proven guilty" and Bethany McKee was not proven to be guilty. She was found guilty because of the Judge's bias views, he stated in court on Monday/Tuesday the 2/3 of November that if this case weren't his last that he would have gone with a lesser sentence. He also said that he didn't want to give her life in prison and that if another judge was in charge of this trial that they would have probably done so. The judge convicted her of two counts of first degree murder, saying she was guilty. But she is not guilty of murder. There was no evidence to prove that she was.

The prosecutors had no physical evidence that Bethany took part in the murders of Terrance Rankins and Eric Glover. The only physical evidence that they presented was ONE bottle of Tequila with A of hers fingerprint on it. But they could not prove that the bottle was used to hurt either of the two men. The expert analysis that they brought in stated that the fingerprint was placed in a way that would suggest that she had poured the alcohol.

In Alisa Massaro's testimony she stated that Bethany had not called Terrance, that he had called her phone. None of the four knew Eric Glover, and none of them knew that Terrance was bringing Eric with him that horrific night. Terrance had been the one to call Bethany, and Alisa said that she herself (Alisa) had been the one who talked to Terrence on the phone. After that Alisa testified that she had to persuade Bethany to go downstairs with her because Bethany knew nothing about Josh giving Alisa a signal that was meant to notify Alisa to take Bethany and Bethany's child downstairs. Alisa and Phil (Alisa's father) both testified that when they were down stairs only Alisa talked to him, Bethany was at the computer while Alisa and her father were talking when they heard the commotion coming from upstairs. Bethany had not talked to Alisa. Alisa testified that she (Alisa) knew that Josh was serious when earlier that night he said that he wanted them to rob the two men. She claimed that she knew the guys were going to rob Terrance and Eric, but that she didn't know that they were going to get hurt.

How would you not know that? Alisa Massaro admitted to having sex with Josh on top of the dead bodies. She admitted that Josh and Adam were the ones who murdered the two med. She admitted that her, Bethany, and Bethany's daughter, were all downstairs when the two men were murdered. She admitted that Bethany was scared. She admitted to Josh forcing all of them to hitting and kicking the two men's dead bodies so that they would all be just as guilty.

You judge my sister, you judge my family, and yet you don't even know the truth. My sister could not have helped the two men, because she did not know that Josh was serious when he said he was going to rob them. Bethany did not know Josh's signal that meant to leave the room. She had to be persuaded to go downstairs because she didn't know any of this was going to happen. If Bethany had been upstairs and if she could have tried to help, my sister and my niece would both be dead today.

But no one cares about that detail. But I guarantee that if you had been in her place, or if you had the opportunity to help the two men that you wouldn't. I bet that you would be too scared because you too would have known that if you were to have helped them you would there would have been another body found the next day.

You didn't live through this. You didn't deal with the harassment from others over this. You were not threatened because of this. But my family was. When is the world going to stop believing everything they hear on the news and from the press? When is the world going to learn that they twist every bit of information that they get? When is the world going to learn that there is no justice in the United States of America...only politics and ignorance.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I understand your pain and your love for your sister. This is tragic for your whole family. And we all know that newspapers are not always wholly acccurate in their reporting.

    But the antidote to that is not to complain about it, but full disclosure of the truth from Bethany herself - the absolute truth, full horror of it all. And the things she said in her police interview played in court need to be admitted to or explained away. Whatever part she may or may not have played, it cannot be whitewashed away. The truth needs to be spoken by her to all of us if we are to give her a chance.

    And bear in mind that when some of the worst depravity was occurring, they were all off their faces on drugs, and drugs do alter character and make people capable of doing bad stuff they wouldn't normally do - especially if they are just following the pack. If this is true of her to any extent, Bethany needs to fully disclose it and be utterly honest about exactly what was going down in terms of her own feelings at the time.
