Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Justice? Appropriate? Really?

1 comment:

  1. I hear of too many stories where the system fails. From the first reporting of these horrific events, I had this sick feeling that information would be withheld, and possibly covered up. Although I love a good story, the media is going to write for ratings. I can remember being very young and going to my parents with a story I read in the paper; their first response was "people are innocent until proven guilty". It saddens me when this is not the case; and probably hasn't been the case in some time.
    I believe that officials feel the need to put faces to certain crimes. Many times, the faces are not correct or the punishment does not fit the crime. I would not stop until this story goes national. The fact that a rapist was released when Bethany was 14 is more than enough reason to explain her not going directly to the police!! If you have time; Google and read the blog written by Paul modrowski. He, too was convicted under illinois accountability theory.
    People need to realize that this CAN happen to them too!!
    my heart goes out to you and your family.
    One idea for you, use social media to promote this blog and yours and Bethany's story. Write to dr Phil, and any other network or media outlet.
