Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Just a few facts and questions

During her sentencing, McKee begged for forgiveness from the parents of her victims.
I’m so sorry…if there was any way I could go back and return your loved ones…I would,” McKee said, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. “If I had known this would have happened, I’d have made a better choice.”

McKee's defense attorney, Chuck Bretz, argued that she made poor choices after the crime, but that does not make her guilty of murder.

Bretz argued:
"The moral obligation is not sufficient to make her criminally liable."
"She was not present. No one puts her there."
"She has no specific intent for anyone to be robbed, murdered or killed."

"She is the reason he was there," said Jamille Kent, Rankins' mother. "It would have never happened if she didn't bring him there."
But it was proven in Bethany's trial through Bethany's and Terrance’s phone records that Bethany never called Terrance, So how did she lure Terrance over? To the States attorneys office, please explain this.

McKee apologized to the families in court. Crying, and at times hard to understand, she read a statement saying, "had I known this was going to happen I would have made better choices."

Judge Gerald Kinney was critical of the state's sentencing guidelines.

"If given discretion, I would impose a sentence that was significant but would not be the maximum," he said. 

The Rankins family, while still grieving, say they are grateful to Bill McKee. It was McKee who actually called police which led to discovering the victims.

"He did the right thing and we appreciate that, so our prayers go out that family as well," said D'Arcy Kent, Terrance Rankins' uncle.

When cops arrived Thursday to the Joliet home where the victims' lifeless bodies were found, investigators say three of the suspects were playing video games But during Bethanys trial the first responding officers testified that they Met alisa downstairs, they also testified that it took two searches in the basement to find adam, they also testified that Josh was upstairs saying “I'm up here, come get me. Now this testimony was under oath so how were they playing video games? Another lie from the chief of police in the beginning. Who holds them accountable and why did they lie?

Trafton said the suspects were “very much surprised” when authorities arrived to Massaro's home. Really?
This is my home. My children live here,” Glasgow said. “This case is something that I think it’s the responsibility of the elected prosecutor to prosecute.” Where was Glasgow during Bethany's trial? 

Monday, November 24, 2014

I have asked Bethany's attorney for all files that pertain to Bethany's case, I thought that since My wife and I are the ones that are paying him we are deserving of them. If I could get these files then it would make it so much easier to get the actual facts out to the public not just my views of the case. But it seems that he doesn't want to give anything to me. Is there any advise on what I can do to get these files?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

In Regards to Comments

A few people have commented wanting to hear Bethany's side of the story from her own mouth. I completely agree, that would be great if it could happen, however, it is much harder to do so than many would believe. At the moment, we have no contact with her because that is just how it works when someone is transferred they can not get calls or visits for a certain period of time. And even if we did, it would take a while to set up an interview like that.

If it is possible then my family will go from there. Bethany's side of the story should be told, every last detail.

In regards to another comment we received asking for us to post Bethany interview tape, and that is not possible. First off we do not have her interview tape, and secondly cops do not just give those out. So, sorry, but that is not possible.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


There was a comment stating that we were ignoring the hard questions, my response is that go ahead and keep asking your questions. We will answer them as truthfully and as quick as we possibly can.

If you have questions please comment on this post with them and we will respond the best we can. We are not hiding anything, all questions are welcome. Thank you.

We Are Not Bias

People keep saying we have bias views, but I don't see how. In no way is my family excusing anything that happened or saying that Bethany is perfect.

Bias means "to cause partiality or favoritism in (a person); influence, especially unfairly" but we are not favoring Bethany because she's family, we are doing this because Bethany is innocent of murder. That was proven during her trial. She should not have been convicted of murder. But because the prosecutor only charged her with murder the judge felt he had to find her guilty because if he hadn't she would have walked away with no convictions and society would  have a field day with that.

I would like to make this very clear because even though it has been stated multiple times some people still can't grasp the reality of the fact that there was NO EVIDENCE that indicated she took part or that she was even there when it happened. 

The only evidence the state had against Bethany was ONE fingerprint on a bottle of tequila positioned in a way that would suggest she had poured the alcohol. And this was said by the expert analysis that testified at her trial. She had also said there was no way of knowing if the bottle was used to hit the bodies after the two men died.

My father and I started this blog to not only try to figure this out and cope, but also to get the truth out that the reporters intentionally left out. The reporters that were at her trial heard the same things my family did. The difference is their job is not to report the truth, it is to tell a story that will captivate the readers to ensure that their audience keeps reading. Reporters twist things, you would think by now people would know that.  

Our views are not bias because we are not saying the she is innocent because she's our family, or anything of the sort, we are saying she is innocent of murder because there was NO EVIDENCE. The facts are that Bethany was downstairs when this took place. Alisa said she saw Josh/Adam hit the two men while she was walking down the stairs BEHIND Bethany.

Everything that we say/write on here are facts that came out during the trial, things we personally know, and from personal experience. There is always more than one side to a story, and you have to keep both in mind. This case made absolutely no sense. And tragically two men lost  their lives. But their deaths were not my sisters fault. She did NOT lure them. If anyone lured them it was Alisa because she (Alisa)  testified that she (Alisa) was the one that was on the phone with Terrance NOT Bethany. Bethany did not, and had never called Terrance. He had always called her. Phone records proved that at Bethany's trial.

On a positive note, I am so thankful to everyone that is supporting my family. After this happened my family was verbally attacked, threatened, and harassed. We don't deserve that. After a while I lost all hope I had in society, I didn't think there were any good people left in the world, but I was proved wrong. Thank you for keeping my family in your prayers, we need it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Ok, Lets back up a little bit

Ok, lets back up a little and go to the start of the crime.

Bethany, Alisa, Josh, And Adam are upstairs in a tiny livingroom. They are laughing and drinking. Josh asks Bethany approx. five times to go down stairs and get a cigarette Bethany doesn't want a cigarette, starts thinking that Josh wants her out of the room, she doesn't know why this is.

Finally Josh asks Bethany to go and get a pop and she does reluctantly. Alisa goes with her, as Bethany is going down stairs she then sees Josh hit Terrance and then continues down stairs.

The reason that she didn't say anything to Phillip is that she (Bethany) stated (who calls the cops on a fight)? Now I'm guessing this would be my fault because this is how I raised her. A fight is between one person to another. You don't get the cops involved unless it is a fight that would result in serious harm, Bethany thought it was just a fight.

Bethany and Alisa then leaves the house only to come back much later and realizes what has actually happened, then Josh threatens to kill her if she notifies the police.

When Bethany called me to say that something really bad happened, I didn't believe her, it was only then that she told me that Josh wanted me to help with the aftermath. I then believed that something really bad had happened. I believe this was her way of asking me to help her get away from Josh. Bethany was in shock and a look of absolute terror covered her.

So 1st Bethany didn't know that the crime had happened and second she only found out when she returned to the house, 3rd Josh threatened to kill her if she called the police, 4th Bethany came to me and it doesn't matter what she had said to me she came to me as her last resort for help.

Who is Bethany?

These two pictures of my sister and I are my favorite. I remember each day very well. In the first picture of us coloring Easter Eggs we were so close, she was my best friend and we loved each other unconditionally. The second picture was taken my sophomore year of high school. We definitely weren't as close then as we had been in the past but that day was a very important day for me. I am not going to go into why, because honestly it doesn't matter. My sister has always been there for me and I only wish that the world knew the kind of person she really was. I wish people wouldn't judge her because of something they don't understand or even really know about.

Bethany McKee had a hard life, and so have many other people in the world. However, her story is important too because it changed and affected so many peoples lives. Without my sister I don't know how I would have been able to make it through life. She gave me hope when I lost all faith, she guided me when I was lost, and we fought like any sisters would. She is and always will be my best friend. I really don't know how I am going to make it through my life without her by my side. But she gave me a wonderful niece who is so much like her mommy that it is heartbreaking.

Bethany raised her daughter without any help from the father. He never called, he would say he was going to call but only did a few times. He said he would come see her, he came to see her I think three or four times in her life. He claimed to want to be apart of his daughters life but he refused to help with the necessities. He didn't help support her, he didn't buy her food, or formula, clothes, diapers, or anything. He came once with clothes that were like 4 sizes too big and a bunch of candy. He claimed to want to be apart of her life, but never made an effort, then went to the Patch and lied saying that my family wouldn't let him see her. But that wasn't the case. We didn't want her to be alone with him for several reasons. 1. his family is involved in gangs. 2. she didn't know him. 3. He never came through with his promises. Her father is a young immature guy that only wants her in his life for selfish reasons. He doesn't want her in his life because she is his daughter. She deserves better than him.

Even though he wasn't trying, Bethany still believed that he would make an effort and love her. But if he loved her he would have made a serious effort to get to know his daughter. I am terrified that one day he will try to take her away from us, because she doesn't know him, he can't support her, and if she were to go live with him I would be scared for her life. I don't want my niece around anyone that is involved or has family involved with gangs. I apologize for not wanting to put my niece's life in danger.

Bethany changed her life around for her daughter, she stopped most of her bad habits, but as we know anyone with a bad habit has a high chance to falling back to them once or twice in their life. And everyone has a bad habit. Bethany finished high school for her daughter, she went on and went to beauty school so she could have a way to support her daughter. She would do anything for her daughter. She loves deeply and unconditionally, that is one of Bethany's best characteristics. Her heart is open to anyone she meets.

In all honesty Bethany is like a dog, she's extremely loyal. When a dog gets annoying or does something they aren't supposed to and you swat it, yell at it, or with abusive people, they beat them, the dog always forgives and loves you even after you go out of your way to hurt them. She is loyal to anyone she cares about. And once someone has her loyalty they will always have it.

Bethany's purpose in the world, the reason she is alive, is to be a mother. Being a mother was the best thing that ever happened to Bethany, she finally felt loved and was finally able to see that there was good in the world. She had hope once again, she was happy, and she was changed. God blessed her...and even through all of this she hasn't lost faith...her faith wasn't shaken. Ofcourse she was scared and worried but she never swayed away from God. She is the strongest person that I know.

Re: comments

 Ok, I've read all of the comments,and I am appreciative of  all your views. Lets take one at a time:

If being accused of touching a girls butt on a trampoline with seven other people jumping around, is considered being a sex offender then I would tend to think that every time you watch any sport on tv and see players slapping each other on the butt then wouldn't they be considered a sex offender also? That is what I was accused of. And yes I admitted that I may have done so but by complete accident.

Secondly, I AM NOT IN DENIAL!! Bethany could have been charged with other less offending crimes involving this case, but the state decided to only charge her with the two murders. In which it was proven that she had no involvement. People that are claiming still that Bethany had called to lure Terrance over, as I have already stated the prove through phone records shows that Bethany had never made a call to Terrance's phone.

Where were you people that still believe that she called his phone to lure him over during the trial? I didn't see any of you. Maybe if you were there then you would have seen the injustice taking place.

Thirdly Bethany was never offered a deal. From what I understand, when John Conners offered Alisa the deal they didn't even spend two minutes talking about it. 
If Bethany did call Terrance to lure him over (Which proven that she didn't) and he was the target of said robbery, then where does Eric fit in to said plan? The first time anyone met Eric was when he arrived at the house. No one knew him before. So why was she convicted of his murder?

How is it robbery when the deceased were already dead before josh and adam took the money out of their pockets? 
125 Dollars was what was said that they took, Ok lets break this down, 25 for gas, 20 for ciggs, that leaves 80 dollars for cocaine, In doing research 80 dollars in cocaine wouldn't have been enough to go around with four people. Nick quaz, the individual who they bought the cocaine from, why wasn't he ever questioned by the authorities? Why not look at the money trail? 

Please please please when leaving comments be respectful. Yes it's true that I am a father in desperation. After all she is my child. Please ask me questions and I will be truthful in giving you answers. I have nothing to hide, my closet door is wide open, but this is not about me it is about my daughter Bethany. Thank you again.

Monday, November 17, 2014



What's the Point?

 Ok, I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore. It's almost as if I'm writing a journal now, No one is even commenting. I thought by putting this blog out to the world it would bring me some advise and help. But it hasn't. I'm guessing that just like the media has found out the only thing that people want to hear anymore besides the truth is just the devistating  things of the case. Well here goes some of that, but outside of the box a little. As a father of a wrongly convicted child, I am lost. My days goes by in a nightmarish hayes anymore. I dont have any control in helping Bethany. How does a twenty year old do life? I hate our justice system or lack of one.

So many people think that it is like the television shows, how wrong they are. During the trial process there is no way of humanising the (suspect), The police, state and the media has already judged, convicted and turned my daughter into a monster for their benefit. Chief Trafton said in the beginning that this was the most heinous crime that he has seen in his twenty seven years of his experience, and I don't think that he was lying because he spent all of that time behind a desk. According to the crime scene video the only blood in this residence was a tiny spear on a wall. After the coroners office removed the victims I would dare anyone to even say that it looked like a crime was committed in the residence. But of course this video of the crime scene was the only thing that wasn't shown to the public or the media during the trial. I believe that if it was then the media would be able then to ask the question (How is this the most heinous crime that he (the chief has seen). The public view would have been so much different. Chief Benton of the JPD stated to the media in the beginning that the suspects were partying and playing video games when officers arrived on the scene, although the 1st responding officers stated under oath during the trial that when they arrived, they met alisa downstairs, found adam hiding in the basement, (which took 2 searches to find him) and josh was upstairs yelling "I'm up here, come get me". Furthermore in the crime scene video the playstation that they were supposed to be playing was wrapped up on the floor in front of the entertainment center. Now who holds these Officers of the law accountable for their lies? Chief Benton also stated to the press in January 2013, when this crime occured that they (JPD) have in custody the right defendants and that they should spend the rest of their life in prison. So he has already convicted these suspects in the press. Is this his job? Innocent before proven guilty, Right? What a lie. Again who holds these individuals accountable for their lies? 

 J Glascow (the chief prosecutor stated to the press that he was going to prosecute these cases personally, where was he in Bethany's trial? Who holds him accountable for his lie?

The state prosecutors at Bethany's trial claimed in their foundation that Bethany had called one of the victims (Terrance Rankins) on his cell phone to lure him over to the house so that they could rob him. Alisa's testimony was that Bethany had called him to lure him over to the house and then gave her (Alisa) the phone so that she could give him directions to the house. Funny thing is is that he (Terrance) only lives approx. five blocks down the same street and has already been to said residence on several occasions that same week of the crime. The facts are though as follows, Bethany's attorney (Chuck Bretz proved without a shadow of a doubt through not only Bethany's cell records but also the victim (Terrance Rakins) cell phone records that Bethany (NEVER) called Terrance Rankins phone. The state prosecutors were never going to bring these facts up in the trial. Why not? And since the phone records proved that Bethany never called Terrance then didn't Alisa lie in her testimony? And shouldn't the states foundation been thrown out?

Who holds these people accountable for their lies? It was also proven through Alisa and her father (Philip Massaro) testimony under oath, that when the two ( Bethany and alisa) came down stairs and Phil heard the load noise, that it was alisa who talked to her dad not Bethany. Both stated under oath that Bethany was sitting in the computer chair and had said nothing at all to Phil.

But after sitting on the bench during this testimony and taking three weeks to review all testimony He Judge Kinney stated one of the reasons that he came to his quilty verdict was that ( By Bethany talking to Phil she then manipulated him (Phil) not to go upstairs and stop this crime). Completely against the testimony. Who holds the judge accountable? The forensics expert under oath said that they found no (Zero) evidence that Bethany had anything to do with this crime of murder, although they did find the victims blood on Alisa's shoes and pants. Isn't that physical evidence that she (Alisa) had actual involvement in these murders? But yet she was given a deal of ten years at 50% with time served which means with good behavior she will likely only serve three (3) years. She has just gotten away with murder.

She (Alisa) is also one of the participants along with josh who had sex on top of the deceased bodies. How much sicker can one get?

Who holds the state who offered the deal and the judge who agreed with it and signed off on it accountable? Chuck Bretz argued in the post trial motions that this deal was illegal and then one day after the sentencing the state brought Alisa back to Will county to revise the wording of said deal although they didn't give her anymore time. Isn't this saying that the admit to an illegal deal? And if so, who holds them accountable?

Yes it is true that Bethany did not leave the scene of the crime or even call the police after she realized what had happened, but if you were wearing her shoes after she was threatened by the very people that have already committed these murders what would you have done? If they have already proven that they are capable of murder, wouldn't you believe them if they told you that the will kill you also? I myself would not have wanted to be her when this all happened. She obviously terrified. 

I will end this for now due to a hard time with my vision. I am surprised that I have anymore tears left anyway.

Just a Thought

How is it justice if the law was taken out of the court room and replaced with politics?

Innocent until proven guilty, but Bethany was convicted without being proven guilty. There was NO evidence.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Bethany and dad

Today is yet another sad day

Bethany Landry Lynn McKee
Wrongfully convicted of two (2) counts of 1st degree murder with  zero evidence at the age of 20. Because she was at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people. The state of Illinois calls this the accountability law. This needs to be changed. This happened in January of 2013 and today she was transported from the Will county adult detention facility to Logan correctional center to begin serving her natural life sentence. Today is yet another very sad day for all involved.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What logic is there?

Someone please explain this to me, since everyone on here knows more than I do.

The state's foundation and complete motive was that Bethany called Terrance and coaxed him to come over so that they can rob him. Ailsa claimed under oath that Bethany called him and then gave the phone to Alisa to give him directions.

Well then, #1 Terrence only lives approx. 5 blocks down the street, and has been at that house on 3 other occasions. Why would he need directions? C...huck Bretz proved without a doubt through Bethany and Terrence"s phone records that Bethany did not call his phone at all, not one time.

So being that this is a fact that was proven in court, then shouldn't the states foundation be dismissed? Clearly Alisas testimony under oath was a lie. There was no (zero) evidence that Bethany had anything to do to coax Terrance over to the house.

As the motive that they were so desperate for cigarettes and alcohol, bothe in Bethany and Alisas testimony each one said that they went down stairs on many occasions and got cigarettes from Alisas dad. Alisas dad also had alcohol down stairs, that they could have gotten at anytime.

Judge Kenny claims that after hearing testimony, that by Bethany talking to Alisas dad and telling him that a tv fell, that she manipulated him from going up stairs and stopping a crime. But though Alisas and Phils testimony, bothe said that Bethany did not say anything. How could the judge miss this vital piece of information? Did he confuse Alisa with Bethany?

There was zero evidence that Bethany had anything to do with this terrible crime other than her admission that josh had talked about robbery. She clearly said many many times in her interview that she had no reason to believe him, she thought that josh was joking. (ZERO) evidence.

Alisa on the other hand has blood of one of the victims on her shoes and pants. Obviously the state didnt need her confession being that they had actual physical proof that she (Alisa) had physical involvement in the crime.

Bethany's fate is what it is at this time and we have to wait until the next chapter begins, but if there are so many people out there that is outraged over the deal that the state set up and. Judge Kenny signed of on the where is the loud public outcry so that this travisty of our so called justice system never happens again. Alisa has gotten away with murder that she clearly had so much involvement in, what is the lesson that she has learned? What is the statement that the state is making?

The bottom line is that the law was taken out of the court room and politic replaced it. This will continue until the public actually does something to be heard. Please be respectful when commenting, I am just as confused as the next. Thank you, and again our prayer are still with all concerned.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What Really happened?

No one knows exactly what happened on hickory street on the night of the two murders except the six that were involved, and the thing is that no one but them will ever know for sure. People can continue to form their opinions but I truly hope that you take what your reading with a grain of salt. I know what the four said, I know what Alisa's father said, I know my families side of the story, I was at my sister's trial. I knew four of the 6 personally. You may have met one of them or even possibly all of them at some point in your life, but that doesn't mean you know them.

My family reads the comments that people post online about the four, and I have noticed that no one really knows the facts. There are so many people posting ignorant comments online claiming that they know the "truth" and the rumors, they think that they know what they are talking about because they read the news or the Patch. But Joe Hosey, for example, was at my sister's trial, and even the things that he has posted are not completely true. But what do you expect from the press and reporters? They only want a story, something someone will read, they don't care about the facts. So they write things in a way to get an audience. And the ruin people's reputations just for fun. Just because you read something, doesn't mean it's true. Next time you read something in the news or online you should look at it from the opposite perspective too. Otherwise you too will be just as bias as the authors of the sources you are getting your information from.

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Truth of The Matter

I would like to get something out of the way, in no way is my family excusing for giving excuses for what happened. In no way are we trying to excuse the fact that Bethany left the crime scene and didn't call the police but instead called our father. But I would like any parents who might be reading this to think about it this way:
If you had just found out that while you were down stairs two men were being murdered upstairs and you and your child were being threatened by one or both of the murderers what would be the first thing that went through your mind? Wouldn't it be something like "oh my gosh, I have to do whatever it takes to keep my child safe." And wouldn't that mean doing what you have to until you can finally get away and take your child somewhere where they couldn't hurt them?

Here's the thing though, you are all judging my sister with bias views because you all predetermined what you think happened. But you weren't at her trial, you do not know what people testified, and even if you went to her trial and you would have heard everything I heard you would probably still have your bias views because you sat there convinced she was guilty. But what you didn't keep in mind is that it is "innocent until proven guilty" and Bethany McKee was not proven to be guilty. She was found guilty because of the Judge's bias views, he stated in court on Monday/Tuesday the 2/3 of November that if this case weren't his last that he would have gone with a lesser sentence. He also said that he didn't want to give her life in prison and that if another judge was in charge of this trial that they would have probably done so. The judge convicted her of two counts of first degree murder, saying she was guilty. But she is not guilty of murder. There was no evidence to prove that she was.

The prosecutors had no physical evidence that Bethany took part in the murders of Terrance Rankins and Eric Glover. The only physical evidence that they presented was ONE bottle of Tequila with A of hers fingerprint on it. But they could not prove that the bottle was used to hurt either of the two men. The expert analysis that they brought in stated that the fingerprint was placed in a way that would suggest that she had poured the alcohol.

In Alisa Massaro's testimony she stated that Bethany had not called Terrance, that he had called her phone. None of the four knew Eric Glover, and none of them knew that Terrance was bringing Eric with him that horrific night. Terrance had been the one to call Bethany, and Alisa said that she herself (Alisa) had been the one who talked to Terrence on the phone. After that Alisa testified that she had to persuade Bethany to go downstairs with her because Bethany knew nothing about Josh giving Alisa a signal that was meant to notify Alisa to take Bethany and Bethany's child downstairs. Alisa and Phil (Alisa's father) both testified that when they were down stairs only Alisa talked to him, Bethany was at the computer while Alisa and her father were talking when they heard the commotion coming from upstairs. Bethany had not talked to Alisa. Alisa testified that she (Alisa) knew that Josh was serious when earlier that night he said that he wanted them to rob the two men. She claimed that she knew the guys were going to rob Terrance and Eric, but that she didn't know that they were going to get hurt.

How would you not know that? Alisa Massaro admitted to having sex with Josh on top of the dead bodies. She admitted that Josh and Adam were the ones who murdered the two med. She admitted that her, Bethany, and Bethany's daughter, were all downstairs when the two men were murdered. She admitted that Bethany was scared. She admitted to Josh forcing all of them to hitting and kicking the two men's dead bodies so that they would all be just as guilty.

You judge my sister, you judge my family, and yet you don't even know the truth. My sister could not have helped the two men, because she did not know that Josh was serious when he said he was going to rob them. Bethany did not know Josh's signal that meant to leave the room. She had to be persuaded to go downstairs because she didn't know any of this was going to happen. If Bethany had been upstairs and if she could have tried to help, my sister and my niece would both be dead today.

But no one cares about that detail. But I guarantee that if you had been in her place, or if you had the opportunity to help the two men that you wouldn't. I bet that you would be too scared because you too would have known that if you were to have helped them you would there would have been another body found the next day.

You didn't live through this. You didn't deal with the harassment from others over this. You were not threatened because of this. But my family was. When is the world going to stop believing everything they hear on the news and from the press? When is the world going to learn that they twist every bit of information that they get? When is the world going to learn that there is no justice in the United States of America...only politics and ignorance.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Thank You Ed

"To whom it may concern,

I am very pleased to write a character reference letter for Bethany McKee.

I have known Bethany since November 2000, when my family moved to Illinois. My daughter and Bethany have been friends that entire time. During the summers they would play in the yard, ride bikes and sit in the driveway and make chalk drawings. During the school years my daughter and her again would sit in the driveway and do their homework after school and just had fun. As the years past Bethany would bring her little sister and brother to our house to play since she was babysitting them. Never were there any conflicts, arguments, or anyone getting mad, just happy children having fun.

I have always known Bethany to be courteous and kind. Bethany would take walks past the house and always she would wave and approach asking how Kimberly was doing, how my wife was, just general conversation.

In the last several years, I became handicapped with limited mobility. I would be outside trying to do yard work and she would come by and offer to help, whether it was just taking out the trash, raking grass, or mowing leaves, etc. I have never known Bethany to be rude or mean to anyone she was just a happy young girl.

Bethany was trusted in the neighborhood because she would babysit the neighbor's child after school.
She would be there when the bus came by to drop the child home. Never did I see Bethany late for that task.

Bethany is and always will be my friend and a family friend. She had a smile on her face every time I saw her. She is trustworthy, kind and very polite to others.


Edward L. Stickley
TSGT, USAF, Retired"

Thank You Kimmy

"Bethany McKee and myself, Kimberly Stickley, have been friends since elementary school. I used to live right down the street from her and we used to sit in my driveway and do our homework. When I graduated middle school and entered high school our friendship started to drift because she became friends with a different group of people than myself. We used to hang out all the time after school regardless of the weather. She would always come over to my house or I would go over to her house. I never knew her to get in trouble at school or outside of school. She always seemed to do well in school and whatever she put her mind to. I remember the day I found out she was pregnant with Cianna. She seemed excited that she was going to be a mother. I went to her baby shower and she was so happy to see everyone who showed up. After Cianna was born I never really saw Bethany anymore. I would see her pushing Cianna in her stroller to the park that was down the street from our houses. When she would go over to our next door neighbors house, I would walk over there to see how Bethany and Cianna were doing. She seemed like a great mother, always doing what was best for Cianna. They were always happy. She did what she could for Cianna. To make sure she was a happy little girl. She is a great mother and a great friend. I wouldn't ask for someone better than Bethany."

More Kind Words

"I can't excuse Bethany's actions, but I can understand how she came to do what she did. She is a very caring, loyal and protective person.

When Bethany found out a girl she was babysitting was dyslexic, she worked with her to improve her reading. She helped prepare and serve Christmas dinner at her church for people who had no families to spend the holidays with. Her little brother had a friend whose bicycle was stolen. She found who did it, and told the thief's mother and made sure the bicycle was returned. When her sister was threatened by a friend's older brother, she pounded on his door, confronting him until she was forced to leave.

I would expect no less when she was afraid for her baby's safety. After witnessing the after math of the events of that night in January 2013, when one of the two men were involved threatened both Bethany and her little girl, all she could think of was to get her to a place where josh couldn't find her. She had only been seeing Terrance for a few weeks, but she had talked about how well he treated her and how much she liked him. He would have had that same loyalty if she hadn't been afraid for her child's life.

There is so much more to a person than how they react to a single event, however big or important that event is. "


Words From Her Loved Ones

"Bethany McKee. She is a complicated person. I remember the times we sat and talked about life-about her dreams, her hope, her ambitions. In the two years before all this happened, she had only one all-consuming thought. She wanted to be a good mother and she feared that she didn't know how. In the weeks she stayed with us prior to her daughters birth, she asked many times whether I thought she could succeed. When her daughter was born with medical problems, she spent ever minute with her in the NICU at Rush-Pres, even though she herself had needed a Cesarean delivery and should have been caring for herself. She worked with the principal of her high school to graduate and with the WIC representative to learn about how to properly care for her child.

Over the years, she has been hospitalized many times for various issues including cutting, drugs, and alcohol. Because of this, she had a difficult time making and keeping friends. She was introduced to drugs and alcohol though one friend, Alisa Masarro. Bethany's family made every attempt to keep the girls apart and succeeded for several years, but after she turned 18, they became reacquainted.

Like many teenaged girls, Bethany turned to a friend rather than a family member when she had disagreements at home. She feared some of her friend's associates, but trusted the friend to give her a safe place to stay while thinking things through. Did she use drugs during this time? I really don't know. But I do know that her first thought when she was finally able to escape that house without supervision was to get her child away to safety.

She was let down by the system many times. A teacher who was assigned to home school her simply did not show up - no calls to cancel, just a no show. The psychologist who was to work with her from the Will County Health Department would likewise not show up or would cancel week after week. When she was abducted and taken by a man who was later convicted of human trafficking in federal court, the local police told me not to worry about it - she was probably partying with her friends. The police officer told me they had too many young girls missing to look for them all. It was my phone call to the FBI that finally got results. When she was raped and the rapist confessed, the States Attorney refused to prosecute and released him. Is it any wonder this girl didn't know how to protect herself and her child when she found herself in an unimaginable situation? She did not go to the police, she went to her father who I am convinced she knew beyond an doubt would do the right thing."


This is How She Will Be Remembered by Her Loved Ones

"Bethany McKee is a young woman with a past that would haunt anyone who had to live it. Many don’t understand her, and in all honestly I don’t believe anyone ever fully will. She is a caring, passionate, loyal, and bluntly honest person with a heart of gold. She has suffered more than anyone else I know. She has been raped, abused, scarred, manipulated and abducted. She has faced many challenges, but it shows just how resilient she is. Growing up her friends introduced her to many bad habits, some that have stuck with her and others that she had given up to ensure the safety of her daughter.

I was in the seventh grade when Bethany was abducted, I remember what it was like to lose her; I understand loss. But I also remember how she was when she came home. She was damaged and broken. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to her crying and screaming because her dreams haunted her. I remember finding her sleeping under my father’s desk because she was terrified that the men that took her would find her and hurt her again. Bethany may be very well acquainted with fear but no one ever becomes used to fear.

Our father used to tell us when we were little that if we were scared and put in a bad situation to call him, she did that. While yes, she did run, she still called my father, and even though she was upset that he called the police and didn’t tell her, I fully and wholeheartedly believe that she knew that if she called him he would call the police. My sister is not one to ask for help, she believes in working through her problems on her own, because she doesn’t like opening up to people, but when the time came she reached out for help because she didn’t know what to do. And like she has said, if she didn’t get away there could have been three or four people dead instead of only two.

However, I know that her past doesn’t excuse her from her mistakes and actions, but just like anyone else, the past defines people, and it can haunt anyone. Is it any wonder though why she ran? She was scared, once again her friend, Alisa Massaro, had put her in yet another bad situation. The problem Bethany has is that she doesn’t trust many, but the ones that she does trust are the ones who make her feel normal and safe. Alisa was good at manipulating her into feeling that she didn’t need her bipolar and depression medication. Bethany isn’t the best judge of character but should that define the rest of her life?

Bethany has always been there for me, and no matter what stands in her way I know that she will always be there for the people that she cares about. It is simply the person she is. She defends anyone who needs defending, she is naturally protective; it is the motherly instinct in her. Even when she was young, she acted like a mother, because that was all she ever wanted to be. I remember one day during a family counseling session she was asked why she wanted a baby so bad at such a young age. Her response was, “Because a baby will always love their mother, no matter what.”

The day she found out that she was pregnant was a day I will never forget because she became my inspiration that day. For weeks I had been joking telling her she was pregnant because she was always feeling nauseous. So my mother and father made her take a pregnancy test, I was upstairs in the bathroom with her at our parent’s friend’s house at the time, and she was freaking out. As soon as the pregnancy test had shown that she was positive, she started crying and grabbed a bottle of alcohol that was in her purse. She opened it, and she poured every last drop down the sink. She hated herself for drinking while she was unknowingly pregnant. Her baby changed her for the better, once again my sister had hope.

Right now the world sees her as a monster, but no one really knows her. They only know what they have read, seen on the news, and have come up with on their own from their ignorant opinions. The truth of the matter is that if anyone were to sit down with her long enough to have a conversation you would see all of the potential, all of the hope and passion, and love that she has for the world. The system has failed her throughout her life. School officials, counselors, therapists, and the justice system has failed her at some point in her life, and it is because no one cares to get to know a misunderstood individual. I want to make the point that an eye for an eye will make the world blind. And a life for a life is not justice, but rather cruelty.

No matter what happens, my sister has made positive impacts on the world and the people in it. She has taught a young girl with dyslexia to read, she helped kids with disabilities play baseball, she helped other girls who were abducted come home and find a sense of peace, she gave hope and inspiration to many, and she would sit for hours on end listening to people who needed someone to be there for them. No matter what, the people whose lives she has helped touch will always know and remember the person she is, even if the rest of the world will always view her as something she is not, there will always be people who have complete and utter faith in her and the person that she has become, because that kind of love is unconditional.

One last thing I would like to share is that the morning after this horrible event took place, my sister picked me up and drove me to school like normal. She wouldn’t say a word, and I didn’t understand why until Alisa had said something. I hadn’t even realized that Alisa was in the car. But at that moment, while I didn’t know what had happened, you could see the pain in Bethany’s face. It was clear something had been wrong, but I had only assumed that it was because Alisa was back in her life once again. "
                                                                                                                       -Trisha McKee