Monday, November 17, 2014

What's the Point?

 Ok, I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore. It's almost as if I'm writing a journal now, No one is even commenting. I thought by putting this blog out to the world it would bring me some advise and help. But it hasn't. I'm guessing that just like the media has found out the only thing that people want to hear anymore besides the truth is just the devistating  things of the case. Well here goes some of that, but outside of the box a little. As a father of a wrongly convicted child, I am lost. My days goes by in a nightmarish hayes anymore. I dont have any control in helping Bethany. How does a twenty year old do life? I hate our justice system or lack of one.

So many people think that it is like the television shows, how wrong they are. During the trial process there is no way of humanising the (suspect), The police, state and the media has already judged, convicted and turned my daughter into a monster for their benefit. Chief Trafton said in the beginning that this was the most heinous crime that he has seen in his twenty seven years of his experience, and I don't think that he was lying because he spent all of that time behind a desk. According to the crime scene video the only blood in this residence was a tiny spear on a wall. After the coroners office removed the victims I would dare anyone to even say that it looked like a crime was committed in the residence. But of course this video of the crime scene was the only thing that wasn't shown to the public or the media during the trial. I believe that if it was then the media would be able then to ask the question (How is this the most heinous crime that he (the chief has seen). The public view would have been so much different. Chief Benton of the JPD stated to the media in the beginning that the suspects were partying and playing video games when officers arrived on the scene, although the 1st responding officers stated under oath during the trial that when they arrived, they met alisa downstairs, found adam hiding in the basement, (which took 2 searches to find him) and josh was upstairs yelling "I'm up here, come get me". Furthermore in the crime scene video the playstation that they were supposed to be playing was wrapped up on the floor in front of the entertainment center. Now who holds these Officers of the law accountable for their lies? Chief Benton also stated to the press in January 2013, when this crime occured that they (JPD) have in custody the right defendants and that they should spend the rest of their life in prison. So he has already convicted these suspects in the press. Is this his job? Innocent before proven guilty, Right? What a lie. Again who holds these individuals accountable for their lies? 

 J Glascow (the chief prosecutor stated to the press that he was going to prosecute these cases personally, where was he in Bethany's trial? Who holds him accountable for his lie?

The state prosecutors at Bethany's trial claimed in their foundation that Bethany had called one of the victims (Terrance Rankins) on his cell phone to lure him over to the house so that they could rob him. Alisa's testimony was that Bethany had called him to lure him over to the house and then gave her (Alisa) the phone so that she could give him directions to the house. Funny thing is is that he (Terrance) only lives approx. five blocks down the same street and has already been to said residence on several occasions that same week of the crime. The facts are though as follows, Bethany's attorney (Chuck Bretz proved without a shadow of a doubt through not only Bethany's cell records but also the victim (Terrance Rakins) cell phone records that Bethany (NEVER) called Terrance Rankins phone. The state prosecutors were never going to bring these facts up in the trial. Why not? And since the phone records proved that Bethany never called Terrance then didn't Alisa lie in her testimony? And shouldn't the states foundation been thrown out?

Who holds these people accountable for their lies? It was also proven through Alisa and her father (Philip Massaro) testimony under oath, that when the two ( Bethany and alisa) came down stairs and Phil heard the load noise, that it was alisa who talked to her dad not Bethany. Both stated under oath that Bethany was sitting in the computer chair and had said nothing at all to Phil.

But after sitting on the bench during this testimony and taking three weeks to review all testimony He Judge Kinney stated one of the reasons that he came to his quilty verdict was that ( By Bethany talking to Phil she then manipulated him (Phil) not to go upstairs and stop this crime). Completely against the testimony. Who holds the judge accountable? The forensics expert under oath said that they found no (Zero) evidence that Bethany had anything to do with this crime of murder, although they did find the victims blood on Alisa's shoes and pants. Isn't that physical evidence that she (Alisa) had actual involvement in these murders? But yet she was given a deal of ten years at 50% with time served which means with good behavior she will likely only serve three (3) years. She has just gotten away with murder.

She (Alisa) is also one of the participants along with josh who had sex on top of the deceased bodies. How much sicker can one get?

Who holds the state who offered the deal and the judge who agreed with it and signed off on it accountable? Chuck Bretz argued in the post trial motions that this deal was illegal and then one day after the sentencing the state brought Alisa back to Will county to revise the wording of said deal although they didn't give her anymore time. Isn't this saying that the admit to an illegal deal? And if so, who holds them accountable?

Yes it is true that Bethany did not leave the scene of the crime or even call the police after she realized what had happened, but if you were wearing her shoes after she was threatened by the very people that have already committed these murders what would you have done? If they have already proven that they are capable of murder, wouldn't you believe them if they told you that the will kill you also? I myself would not have wanted to be her when this all happened. She obviously terrified. 

I will end this for now due to a hard time with my vision. I am surprised that I have anymore tears left anyway.


  1. Mr McKee, Logan is a miserable place to be. I was there last year at this time. Please make sure she has money quickly. They don't have many chances to shop and she will need it asap. I just know how depressing it is to be there at the holidays and don't wish it on someone who shouldn't be there to begin with.

    1. Thank you for the reply. Of course we are knew at this and have no idea how things work. Researching on the internet
      doesn't show us anything.

  2. I completely agree with you. I think that the justice system really failed us here. Alissa should not have been given a plea deal at all. She should be given life in prison!

  3. If this was my daughter I would not give up and I would keep fighting for her. Yes she is guilty but guilty of murder NO she did not murder those two young men. She was involved with the crime that took place but to serve life in prison when the other girl gets a slap on the hand that doesn't seem like justice was served. Alysa was just as much involved this was her home that the murders took place in . Why didn't she call the cops? Why didn't she tell her father? To have a sentence of 5 years is a shame. I agree with both of them serving time. 5 years is a slap on hand and a life sentence is unfair when your daughter did not physical touch those boys. I'm not sure what she deserves but a life sentence seems crazy. Now for the Adam and Josh I agree with a life sentence.

    1. Thank you, we will never give up. This has become my life mission.

  4. Don't stop, don't ever stop. I met Bethany sadly it was in jail but I got to spend some time with her and we talked a lot. She is not this monster they are making her out to be. She is in fact very timid. I cannot express to you how wrong I felt myself after having met her. I took in what the media put out but when I met her and spent all that time with her my mind was forever changed.

    1. My family will never stop, some days though are just harder than others, thank you, I am glad you got to meet her, she is a wonderful person. It's just sad that you two meeting was under such circumstances.

  5. My prayers are with all of you.

    1. Thank you, This is all in God's plan. It will work out to Glorify Him.

  6. I have followed this case. While I agree that she may have not been the murderer- the truth remains that she was aware of the crime and did nothing about it.
    I do believe her sentence is aggressive. I encourage you to contact the Innocence Project and research Paul Modrowski- another individual held for life via the accountability theory.

    I'm curious as to why the she did not reach out to police? I don't buy for a second that she was scared. As a mother- you save yourself for your child.

    1. Thank you for this advice. We will do the research, someone has to know that this trial was a joke.

  7. I don't think you will find anyone who disagrees with you that Alisa got away with murder this is true. On the same note Bethany is not innocent she at anytime could have stopped or slowed the process of these murders by calling for help telling the dad what was happening or just plain screaming for help for them. These men have been murdered anyone that knew about their deaths are responsible. Did your daughter get a fair trial probably not let's be real this is America but just the same she made choices and none of those choices were how to help the men that lost their lives. You get to visit your daughter in prison their families have to go to a cemetery. I know your hurt and mad but she didn't do anything to help them.

    1. Please read my newest blog to answer your questions and thank you for these questions

  8. I think you're not getting from your blog what you expected because of the way it's being presented. The girl who was with your daughter struck a plea agreement. They've been in existence since the beginning of time. Frankly I feel your daughter should have done the same. Maybe she decided to stay loyal to the rest of the group? I don't know. You keep insisting that the justice system has failed. I don't see what you mean? Sure it's sad that this happened to your family and especially at the holiday season. It's even sadder that a twenty year old girl may very well spend the next 50 to possibly even 65 years of her remaining life behind bars.However this is reality. She should have run as fast and as far as she could from that house the very minute she came to realize what had happened. I feel none of them were capable of knowing what was real and what wasn't at the time due to being under the influence of drugs. It must have been something pretty powerful to make one want to have sex on top of two fresh corpses. Young people........will they ever learn?

    1. In response to your comment about the drugs, I don't believe the drugs had much concern when dealing with Alisa and Josh having sex on top of the corpses. Alisa once told my sister and I that her "sex fantasy" was to have sex with a corpse. While she didn't have sex with the corpses, she did in fact do it on top of them.

    2. As disgusting as it is, I was not surprised when I heard about that

  9. Bethany was never offered a deal because Alisa claimed that Bethany called Terrance to lure him to the house, however it was proven in court through Bethany's and Terrance's phone records that Bethany never called Terrance's phone. So the deal that Alisa received stated that she was to be honest in her testimony, obviously she lied about the call and the state had to of had the same phone records that Bethany's attorney had but they refused to bring this to the judges attention. It was Bethany's attorney that brought the phone records up and the state didn't have anything to say on this matter. Why, because it proved that Bethany never called Terrance and it was Alisa who did? I cant count how many times Alisa lied under oath. Alisa's deal also stated that she was supposed to testify against all three suspects but she wasn't called to testify against Josh at his trial. Is this because the state knows that her credibility is already shot?

    1. I feel horrible because no one should have to see their child behind bars, and I think everyone agrees that alisa got off because she did. I do think she deserves to do time only because she might not have dialed the number to call but she did meet up with them take them to alisa's residents and then when they gave them the signal to leave out she went. She could've stopped it by notifying the adults there, leaving with her child when they discussed what was going to happen and notified someone. But she didnt she stayed and did drugs with her child around with dead bodies in the room. Now I do think she should've gotten the deal if anyone did and I do believe she deserves time in jail but for accessorie to murder and get out one day but the other 3 deserves life. Because alisa knew them and set it up and it was her house. They would be alive if she didnt know them and suggest they could get money from them.

  10. Here's a clipping of an article that was published. I know you posted that you were considering quitting the blog?
    I think to get it rolling it might help if us followers posted clippings of what we know via news reports and you can
    dissect them for us. It may help to better tell your side of the story. I mean....... all we know is what we've read.
    here's the clipping....
    The two victims were “friends” with their killers, officials said. Miner said in the taped police interview that the four always planned on robbing the victims, but not killing them. Before the planned robbery ever took place, he said they were all “hanging out” and playing video games with Glover and Rankins, but that things turned violent after one of the men tried to sexually assault McKee.

    Huffington Post 09-26-2014>>>>>>
    Massaro and McKee, however, testified that the attack was planned, and that Miner and Landerman signaled to them to leave the room before they strangled Glover and Rankins to death. McKee admitted in court to trying to help cover up the crime, and said both women took part in beating the bodies with a liquor bottle and shouting racial slurs.

    1. In response to the first clipping, the two victims were not friends with the killers, None of the four knew Eric before that night, Bethany and Terrance were friends, Alisa, Josh, and Adam had only met him a couple times prior.

      In response to the second one, only Miner and Alisa knew the signal, Not Bethany, Alisa testified she had to convince Bethany to leave the room because Bethany had not known about any signal. Bethany did not admit to her or Alisa shouting racial slurs, only Josh was. Josh forced each of them to hit and kick the bodies, so that they would all be "equally involved."

      Thank you for your comment, God Bless

  11. Alisa basically covered up the murder too by lying to her dad and saying that it was a TV that fell..

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  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I recently have been reading the news articles surrounding this crime and trials of the accused. This is truly horrifying. What I find more horrifying is Alisa Massaro's plea bargain and Bethany's excessive sentence. While all were clearly guilty of some portion of the crime, their individual participation was not at all equal. So following the logic behind Bethany's sentence of she was there, she deserves to be charged with murder, shouldn't Massaro's father also be charged with murder since he was home at the time? Was he charged with anything? This really does bother me.

    I really do hope you can appeal Bethany's sentence successfully. In the meantime, keep your head up.
